Message from President

ABAF was set up in 1982 to promote the interests of its members in the fields of professional education, communication and relations with other bodies or Associations. Its members are members of one of the five CCAB bodies (ICAEW, ICAS, CAI, ACCA and CIPFA) and resident in France.

The Council comprises 12 members of whom a third are elected or reelected every year. Any member may stand for election to the Council.

We normally hold five or six meetings each year with a French Fiscal Update held in January which is presented by the Bureau Francis Lefebvre. This update covers the French Finance Act which is voted in December, along with changes in International Taxation. We also hold Technical Update meetings, towards the end of the calendar year, covering UK and French accounting matters. On a more convivial note, we hold an Annual Winetasting in Spring as well as a Christmas Lunch in December.

The AGM is held usually in April when we invite as guest speakers the presidents of one of the UK bodies and one of the French bodies (the Ordre des Experts-Comptables or the Compagnie des Commissaires aux Comptes). They generally give an update on current events in the profession in their respective countries.

Most meetings are held in the evening in Paris at “Le Cercle de l’Union Interalliée” with a guest speaker and this is followed by a cocktail which allows members to meet each other and the guest speaker. However, we also hold a luncheon meeting in December.

You will receive notice of our meetings automatically if you have informed your Institute of your address in France and I would strongly recommend that you attend and look forward to seeing you at our next meeting.

Charles Hamilton-Jones

The Business Lunch

Held the second Wednesday every month. This is a regular networking event hosted by Jonathan Cooper of The Spectrum IFA Group, in conjunction with the Franco British Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Institute of Directors, the Association of British Accountants in France, the Department for International Trade, France, the British Council, and the Standard Athletic Club. If you are interested, please contact Edwina at